In recent years, the popularity of mobile apps has grown exponentially, and mobile app development has become an essential skill for many, if not all, tech professionals. Flutter is one such technology. It is an open-source software platform and application developed by Google, based on the Dart programming language, which allows you to develop apps for Android, iOS, and Google Fuchsia.
Since Flutter enables native app development from a single codebase, learning Flutter has become a smart choice for interested developers. Fortunately, there are several apps that make learning Flutter accessible and practical. In this article, I’ll review some of the best apps available that are suitable for beginners and intermediate programmers to help you learn Flutter.
1. Sololearn
Sololearn is a platform that provides the opportunity to learn multiple programming languages, and Flutter is no exception. While the app doesn’t offer a full course focused exclusively on Flutter, it does have a course on Dart, which is the core language of Flutter. Mastering Dart is a crucial step in learning Flutter, as it’s the language on which Flutter apps are built.
The Dart course on Sololearn provides an introduction to the programming language, covering everything from the basics to control structures, functions, classes, and built-in interfaces. Users can also practice their code directly in the application. In addition, there is a community of developers where you can get help with troubleshooting and discuss more advanced topics.
2. Mimo: Learn Coding
Mimo is another app designed to encourage hands-on, fun coding learning. While Flutter isn’t a main topic on the app yet, Mimo offers in-depth courses on Dart and mobile development, giving you a solid foundation to start your Flutter learning journey.
One notable feature of Mimo is that it offers micro-lessons, or short interactive activities, allowing the user to get familiar with programming in small doses. This helps beginners overcome the feeling of overwhelm that coding can cause at first. The short lessons allow the learner to progress at their own pace, making it a good starting point for all aspiring Flutter developers.
3. Flutter Apprentice (Ray Wenderlich)
Flutter Apprentice by Ray Wenderlich is another option for beginners and intermediate Flutter learners. The course offered by the app is focused on intensive learning, covering everything students need to learn to become proficient in Flutter development.
4. Programming Hero
Programming Hero is a programming learning platform that offers an interactive and engaging experience. While the app doesn’t focus exclusively on Flutter, it does offer dedicated courses on mobile development and Dart, which are essential for learning Flutter.
An important advantage of Programming Hero is its gamified structure, where users can earn points and complete challenges to advance to the next level. This method makes the learning process more motivating and less monotonous, especially for beginners, who may find it difficult in the early stages of programming.
5. Learn Flutter by Coding (Enki)
Enki is an app that offers interactive courses in several programming languages and frameworks, including Dart and Flutter. The “Learn Flutter by Coding” course is designed to be hands-on, with interactive exercises and immediate feedback.
Enki is known for its modular nature, allowing users to focus on the essential components and skip over unnecessary topics. This makes the app ideal for those looking to hone their skills in a specific way. Topics covered range from setting up a development environment to creating complex user interfaces and animations. The app also allows users to track their progress over time, making it useful for both beginners and more advanced users.
6. – Google
Finally, the, officially developed by Google, is the most comprehensive resource for learning to code with Flutter, even though it is not an app. This resource includes tutorials, code samples, and complete documentation, with detailed guides on all aspects of programming with Flutter.
Google has invested heavily in Flutter, and the quality and quantity of resources available reflect this. This is the primary resource for learning Flutter, providing direct access to all of the framework’s modern tools and features. Additionally, the documentation provides practical examples for all levels of developers.
Learning to develop in Flutter is a highly rewarding activity, especially now that the demand for experts in this field is growing rapidly. The applications mentioned provide different approaches, from hands-on and fun activities in an educational game environment to more straightforward technical documentation.
Depending on your skill level and learning style, there’s something for everyone. Regardless of how new or experienced you are with programming languages, it’s always best to start with a solid foundation in Dart and gradually apply that knowledge to real-world projects. Flutter takes practice, and using the apps above can guide and simplify your journey to becoming an expert in the field.